Friday, July 9, 2010

Someone I Hope To Meet

Yonaris Rivas Alonzo is a special little person I'm hoping to meet in the D.R.

Don and I 'adopted' her through G.O. Ministries just a few months ago. And word has it, G.O. is trying to help any mission team members who are supporting a child to actually meet that child.

I would love for that to happen! Why, oh why don't I know Spanish?!

Now to find a cute little gift for a cute little girl...


  1. Donna, If we can find some time before you go, I can help with some spanish phrases so you can talk with her. Call me.

  2. Margo...I appreciate that, but my daughter has been giving me some lessons - and helping me read through the Spanish edition of the book 'Spot Goes To School' that I bought for Yonaris! Wish me luck!
